Sunday, July 17, 2011

Correlation Matrix

A correlation matrix is a graph that shows the correlation between all data sets. You can see the correlation on this graph above. On the left the data is scattered, but on the right, a correlation matrix is made, and the similarity in colors shows the correlation of all the date.

Stem and Leaf Plot

A stem and leaf plot is a way to distribute data with part of the data on the left, or the "stem," and half on the right, as the "leaf". It is a way to put data together and show the distribution of values. For example if you were making a plot of the ages of people in a group, you could you this, and if this above stem and leaf plot were ages, the most people would be in their forties, and the least in their 60's and teens. 

Box Plot

A box plot is a statistical tool that shows the distribution of five number summaries. This is a basic box plot, and the length between each percentile, means that area is bigger, so since the box between the 50th and 25th percentile is small, that would mean the least amount of the data fell in that level.


A histogram is like a bar graph, and is a chart of data points in different ranges. They are usually a rough approximation of the distribution of data where data is just put into ranges. This is a histogram of test scores, and you can see that all A's are lumped together, all B's, and so on, making it a rough distribution.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

A parallel coordinate graph is used to plot data sets with many variates and see it all side by side. As you can see on this graph, there are many many variables all being graphed on the same graph each with a different line.

Triangular Plot

A triangular plot is a graph with three variable rather than the common two. The propotions of these three variables sum to a constant of 100 so if you know two of the variables you can figure out the third. This is a triangular plot of sand silt and clay. These graphs would be useful when you are trying to figure out the right levels of three things, since they always have to add up.


A windrose is a meteorology tool used to calculate and show windspeed and direction of an area. This windrose shows that the wind blew with the highest speed to the south, and the colors and arms of the windrose show the direction and speed of the wind.


A climograph is a graph with data about the rainfall and temperature of a place monthly. In this climograph, the blue bars show the levels of rainfall, and the red line and dots show the temperatures each month.

Population Profile

    A population profile is a chart that shows the number of people in an area based on their age. This chart shows the females and males in Ireland and the distribution of ages.


A scatterplot is a graph that uses points to graph the correlation between two variables. The closer tehy are to a diagonal line, the more correlated they are. This scatterplot shows the distribution of the length of Old Faithful eruptions based on the time in between eruptions. We see from the diagonal trend of the dots that they are somewhat highly correlated.

Index Value Plot

Index value plots are a type of line graph where the data can be compared to an average level, rather than start at zero. This graph shows the stream flows and how they vary from normal to dry or up to wet. The index value is the normal streamflow that we base the variations off of.

Lorenz Curve

A lorenz curve is a graph that shows the inequality in a distribution, often used in economics to show the distribution in incomes. The curve shows that the straight line would be the line of equality, and how far the line curves out is the degree of inequality, in this case between cumulative share of people and share of income earned. 

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph shows positive and negative values above and below a zero line. This bar graph is a bilateral graph because the bars go above and below the zero line. This graph is showing trade values from countries and whether they were positive or negative.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

A nominal area choropleth map shows nominal, or categorical data rather than numerical data with colors and shading in different areas. This map shows the highest percent of each type of minority per state, but it does not show numbers, it shows a race which is a nominal thing.

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

An unstandardized choropleth map is a choropleth map where the data is separated by numbers, and not averaged or standardized. You can see this is this map, because it shows just the numbers of hazardous waste sites per state, not the avergae by state size.

Standardized Choropleth Map

A standardized choropleth map uses standardized levels of data, so the data is areally averaged and can therefore be compared to areas of different sizes easily. This map is a standardized choropleth map that shows standardized ratios of low birth weight. Each color means a different level of low birth weights. 

Univariate Choropleth Map

A univariate choropleth map is a choropleth map that only maps details of one variable. This map uses different colors to show poverty levels by county, which is just one variable.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

A bivariate choropleth is a map that uses colors and boundaries of two separate variables. This map has a combined key to show population and median incomes all on one map.

Unclassed Choropleth Maps

An unclassed choropleth map is a cloropleth map that used shading and variation of colors rather than set colors with a legend or key, making it unclassed. They are not widely used because of the uncertainty in the slight differences in colors. The map on the right is an unclassed choropleth map because it uses more shades of green rather than a key and 4 set colors of green.

Classed Choropleth Map

A classed choropleth map is a map that uses colors to show different levels of some data. They are often used to show data between states or counties. This map shows the deaths of infants by area in australia, with each color showing a different number of deaths. 

Continuously variable proportional circle map

A continuously variable proportional circle map is a proportional circle map that uses circles to show distribution of date. This map shows different continuously variable circles that show the distribution of population in state capitals. 


DOQQ or digital orthographic quarter-quads, are aerial photos that have been digitally altered or "orthorectified." You can see in this photo that some of the aspects of this aerial photo seem to be digitally altered to make it better and more accurate. 


A DEM or digital elevation model is a digital map that shows the elevation and terrain at horizonal intervals. This is a basic DEM, and you can see with the colors and shading how the terrian and elevation is digitally shown.


DLG, or digital line graphs are graphs, or maps, with a lot of information about many things like roads, topography, and boundaries. This is an example of one. Data and map features are stored as lines and polygons.


A drg map, or digital raster graphic is a scanned image of a topographic map. It is just a way of converting maps into digital raster format, as seen above.


An isopleth is a line connecting areas on a map with similar values of something. This map has red lines showing equal amounts of dioxin pollution in the air around a plant. 


Isopachs are lines on a map connecting areas of similar rock thickness. The red lines on this map are connecting areas where the sediment or rocks are similar in thickness.


Isohyets are lines on a map connecting areas of equal amounts of rainfall over a given period of time. This is a map of Africa with isohyet lines marking similar areas of rainfall across the area.


Isotachs are lines on a map that connect areas with equal wind speed. The lines on this map shows the different wind speeds and the directions of the wind of different speeds. 


Isobars are lines of continuous air pressure connected by contour lines. This map shows circles, and each circle represents a different level of air pressure, as you can see by the numeric labels.


  LIDAR is a method of mapping things on the earth's surface using laser pulses and GPS. This is a LIDAR map of New York City that shows all the elevation and vegetation and practically everything that comes out of the surface of the earth in the city. 

Doppler Radar

Doppler radar uses microwaves that are sent up towards the sky to bounce off the water in the atmosphere to track the direction and speed of the water. This is a radar picture of Hurricane Katrina when it first hit Florida. The radar makes us able to see the rotation of the storm and the intensity, and the lack of water in the eye of the storm, identifying this as a hurricane.

Black and White Aerial Photo

Black and white aerial photos are good for surveying and getting a larger/different view of an area. While infrared is good for identifying vegetation and other things, black and white is good for just simply seeing what an area looks like. This black and white aerial photo shows a good view of roads, a town, and the areas around. 

Infrared Aerial Photo

Infrared aerial photos are photos taken from the sky with infrared sensitive film emulsion often used to show vegetation and other aspects of the ground. This photo shows different types of vegetation with the different shades of red. The pink is the non vegetated area and the darker red is where the vegetation is more plentiful.

Cartographic Animation

This is a cartographic animation, or a video that shows the changes in a cartogram over time, of students who matriculated from University of Pennsylvania and where they are from. Cartographic animations are useful to instantly see the differences and changes in a steady flow.

Statistical Map

Statistical maps show distance between things and the size and scale of things based on statistical data. This map is a statistical map because it shows the size of the states based on their share of the electoral votes in an election.


Cartograms are maps scaled with a different measure of distance or area than actual distance. This is a distorted map of the US where the states are scaled based on population and federal taxes. 

Flow Map

Flow maps show movement between places using different sized lines to show different amounts of movement. This map show immigration to the UK with yellow lines and emigration flows from the UK with red lines. The bigger the line the more migration there is. 

Isoline Maps

Isoline maps show continuous values of distribution with lines that connect the areas with similar values of a variable. This map show lines across the US where the temperatures are the same along the lines.

Proportional Circle Maps

A proportional circle map shows distribution of some variable on a map with different sized dots, bigger dots meaning a higher number of the variable. This is a proportional circle map, showing the distribution of walmarts in the US with proportionally sized dots, the bigger dots meaning more Walmarts in the area. 

Choropleth Map


Choropleth maps are thematic maps that show distribution of something with boundary lines. This is a map of the percentage of hispanic people per county in Florida. The county lines are the boundaries and the different shading in each county shows the distribution.

Dot Distribution Map

A dot distribution map uses dots to represent a quantity of something across a map to visually show how the variable is distributed. This is a dot distribution of the population of the US and how it is spread out. Each dot represents 7500 people, and the dots help show us where the population is more or less dense.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Propaganda Maps

Maps are what we use to form opinions and ideas about places we have not seen on our own. So it is easy for a fasified map to be made to sway the opinion of people looking at the map. Propaganda maps are maps that are not accurate or drawn to scale, but maps or photos made to sway opinion. This is a Nazi propaganda map that is exagerating to the German public, the air-strike potential of their army. 

Hypsometric Maps

Hypsometric maps are maps with three dimensional features, usually contour lines or shading, to show something, usually to show off the topography. This map is a hysometric map of the Aegean Sea, using shading and computerized 3-d features to show the topographical features of the area.


The PLSS system, or Public Land Survey System, is a system of defining property and regions using baselines and meridians. This map shows the systematic areas defined by the PLSS. The PLSS separates most of the US into townships and and sections with these meridians and lines shown on the map above. 

Cadastral Map

Cadastral maps are maps used to organize territory and property lines and real estate. The egyptians were some of the first to use this system of mapping to keep track of property around the nile before the nile flooded each year. This map is the Turin Papyrun, one of the first Cadastral maps. It has borders and boundary markers, making it a cadastral map. 

Thematic Map

Thematic maps are maps that show information or data about something on top of a map. This particular thematic map is a map of the average rainfall by county in 1998. It uses a basic map of the USA and the counties, and gives data about rainfall, so precipitation levels would be the "theme" of this thematic map.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Topographic Map

A topographic map is a map that shows the elevation and slope and shape of the earth using lines and shading. They use shading to make a map on paper look like it is coming off the paper will elevation, and they use contour lines to show the slope and steepness of elevation, with closer contour lines meaning higher steepness. This map has all of these features and looks as if it is coming out of the screen/page.

Planimetric Map

A planimetric map is a two dimensional map with no details about relief, often a street map. This is a basic road map of Florida, with no relief features about elevation or topography, just simply the roads and two dimensional details.

Mental Map

  This is a simple mental map, or a map drawn by a person based on how they organize the things around them in their head. People organize the spatial distances and directions of familiar places in their heads, and a mental map is a way of putting this on paper. This qualifies as a metal map because it is not drawn to scale or accurate, it uses a persons idea of the places around them.